A Completely Green Approach to Electricity Generation with no harmful impact to Animals or the Earth!

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The concept of the engine was developed and dreamed up by David Parrish.  He is technically a "Boomer" by less than two months.  This has provided him seeing the world change and thirst to be part of it.


David has seen the warning about has man has damage the Earth, beyond repair change over time.  At first, it was Global Cooling, then Warming, and now just climate change.  Quite frankly he doesn't care!  What he does care about is having clean air.  He is a product of the Central Valley of California and living in the country worse air pollution, He dreams of being able to see the mountains as he could as a kid. David has always lived by the philosophy of let’s keep improving today and tomorrow will be a better world,


The clean electricity will produce cleaner air and allow seeing the beautiful Sierra Nevada on a daily basis not only after a rain.  It will also reduce the number of lung diseases for children and adults in the area.  Think about the many ways that clean electricity will impact your immediate lives.  It is DZP Energy belief that as we improve each individual community the country and world will follow.


After the green electricity is established we can move on to other of our concerns clean water by recycling all the water that we waste every day.


DZP Energy was plan and programs to accomplished two of our three main concerns.  Once the first two are implemented we can work on the third the amount of heat our roads and city retain that have increased the temperature in the surrounding areas.

The Goal is to have it this clear everyday,

not just after a rain!


Copyright DZP Energy Corporation.  2018 - All rights Reserved